Red Scare – Release Date: 6/21/19
Earlier this summer, Billy Liar released his debut album via Red Scare, called Some Legacy. With the record primarily being a full band affair, Liar demonstrates that he’s capable of more than the typical singer/songwriter. He routinely displays his ability to put together unpredictable arrangements and craft unique vocal melodies. The first song, “The View from Here,” is just one example of this. It’s a rousing sing-a-long that contrasts an upbeat rhythm with lyrics that are slightly self-deprecating. One could easily envision Liar playing this song in a packed club with a sweaty, beer-soaked crowd screaming the words back at him. “The Righteous & The Rats” is a topical song about borders and how society’s problems repeat throughout history. With Liar hailing from Scotland, this song clearly isn’t sung from an American perspective and instead has more of a universal appeal. “Pills” might be the album’s catchiest track, as it features a huge chorus that seemingly comes out of nowhere, but transitions in a manner that’s natural and not forced. The song also has somewhat of a loose and reckless feel, sounding like it could go off the rails at any moment, but never does. “Change” is the record’s fastest and most aggressive song, with Liar shouting, “I want see your blood spilled on the stage / I want hear your heart beat through the PA / I want to hear true adolescent rage / I want to be inspired, I want to see something change.” Despite him being seemingly disillusioned with contemporary music, listeners who might feel the same are sure to find plenty of inspiration on this album. Some Legacy was produced by Joe McMahon, (Smoke or Fire) and his influence only helps to solidify what is a decidedly complete debut. In many ways, this is a promising and distinctive record, and it should be very interesting to see where Liar goes from here.