
Anti-Flag – 20/20 Vision

Spinefarm Records – Release Date: 1/17/20

In January, Anti-Flag released their twelfth studio album, titled 20/20 Vision. Compared to their previous full-lengths, this record is unique in that it directly addresses the current president. In the past they’ve favored a less specified approach, as the topics they write about often reoccur throughout different administrations. However, given today’s unprecedented political climate, it’s easy to understand why they chose this route.

Album opener “Hate Conquers All” begins with an ominous recording of President Trump where he encourages attacking protestors. The song has an aggressive, modern rock style that would likely appeal to a wide audience. Its lyrics talk about fighting against the alt-right and neo-Nazis, and really set the stage for the rest of the record. It transitions seamlessly to “It Went Off Like a Bomb,” a classic Anti-Flag song complete with a frenzied pace, walking bass line and proficient musicianship. Its words draw parallels between Trump’s slogans and the talking points used by white supremacist David Duke in the ‘70s and ‘80s. These lyrics remind us of ugly and shameful periods in our nation’s history that are unfortunately still alive today.

The title track is exceedingly catchy and boasts soaring backing vocals, while discussing climate change and the need to make drastic changes now. It’s followed by “Christian Nationalist,” which begins with an organ intro before taking aim at the agendas of Vice President Mike Pence and his discrimination of the LGBT community. “Unbreakable” is arguably the album’s strongest track, offering skillful guitar leads and building in intensity to a massive, sing-a-long chorus. It contains a defiant message of hope and solidarity, which is definitely needed in times like these.

The album draws to a close with two noteworthy entries, “Un-American” and “Resistance Frequencies.” This first is primarily acoustic and details real-life struggles in today’s America, (“No rain falls to a spoiled land / Who is un-American? / No peace comes from a greedy hand / Who is un-American?”). The latter is an upbeat song that includes a horn section and is reminiscent of The Strike, (a great Chicago band from the ‘90s). It concludes the record in appropriate fashion, ending on an optimistic note and urging listeners to take action.

With 20/20 Vision, Anti-Flag has crafted what is possibly their best record since 2003’s The Terror State. A variety of styles are represented, but they’re all brought together by the band’s exceptional performances and overall musicianship. The album’s message will come as no surprise to longtime fans, but it’s one that’s especially relevant as November’s election approaches.
