In early July, Time Thieves released their debut full-length, titled Space. We spoke with singer/guitarist Jonathan Pool and drummer Mike Oberlin and discussed how the band formed. Their lineup also includes bassist/singer Annie Saunders, guitarist/singer Tim Reynolds and keyboardist/singer Lilly Choi. In addition, we talked about how the album was written and recorded, as well as what inspired some of its songs. Time Thieves incorporate indie pop and synth-driven melodies, along with subtle Chicago punk influences, to create a sound that’s both nostalgic and contemporary. The end result is a fun, consistent record that reflects the years the band spent perfecting these songs. Be sure to give it a listen at the end of the interview.
Continue Reading…Originally a printed zine from 1998 – 2004, our goal is to provide coverage of Chicago’s expansive independent music community, and to occasionally highlight some of our past work. National and international bands will be featured as well, but above all, we hope to create lasting content for music fans everywhere.
Writer: Bill Denker